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Finished android overlayJuly 10 2020 19:05:53

Since my last post about android I've updated the system image I've built and added a few tools to make things easier. I've added sshfs to mount a remote webhost - I've also added upx to pack (and compress) binaries - and reduced the size of the overlay significantly. I've also replaced the APK decompiler with jadx because it just works a lot better. This leaves me with a lot more free space on the device that I can maybe use for tools later. For now though - having java, PHP, perl, python, c/c++ and various filesystem tools and a bunch of webservers on my android phone is enough. I've also added a few little bash scripts like "7zip" which uses the command 7za with optimal settings for this phone to compress large files or directories.

You can find an archive of the binaries I've used in this overlay, and a complete system image below. This image was uploaded from my phone using the "scp" command - and zipped using the 7zip bash script.

Edit: I've also added fastboot, adb undark zipalign and simg2img so it's now possible to actually flash another phone with an USB-C cable - and to modify firmware images while staying on the device itself. Since I'm now done with this image I don't expect I will be updating these tools any time soon ( because It's a bit of work ) this means trading some security for convenience. For the next phone/project I'd probably use the binary packages from openWRT: https://downloads.openwrt.org/releases/19.07.3/packages/aarch64_generic/ . It would be fairly easy to write a script to install these packages to an android system. And the architecture is compatible.

File system_new.7z
Size 1.05GB
crc32 1722423167
md5 c5ccb70dd4116975724fd140b4b1108a
sha512 c9e9df76d634c0474e0c158d9116ad93ad4b0e63520b14a50c5783bd441e35c90cd8b7c7aef4654818adfc202b685f4ebe0d957cedf571eefff171a528994f7b
File bins.7z
Size 342.58MB
crc32 612106563
md5 3dbc6a916e3ddce743589223061b2540
sha512 898fffbdcf5521de3b64155121e002af5a540bb3a5c2682ed882e7312c2ad76bf65ab1adcee0727e46343b2098dca8b7219fe9c6346860ecefbe68ab80ed6cc0